Maclean: Parallaxe

nom féminin
(grec parallaksis)
• 1. Angle formé par les droites qui joignent un point déterminé de l'espace à chacun des deux yeux, ou à chacune des deux oreilles.

par-uh-laks ]
the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer.


The Statement:

Swimming in industrial-strength abundance, I propose these transformations as they came to mind.
Beginning with the materiality of stuff. Sheer ordinariness. Detritus.  Overwhelmed, I close my eyes.... opening one at a time.
Dreaming in space. Swinging around the sun. Recalling the stars.
Astronomy, astrology.
The double-bind of life.
The drama of creativity. The comedy of success. Tragedy of progress. The farce of so many points of view.
Broadly speaking, I present two divergent approaches, entwined somehow.


The Poem

It is a wish, a hope, a dream perhaps,
     to convey a point of view.
But what of interpretation?

An array of ideas overlap on the “canvas”,          
        unifying as a vision.
yet what do you see?
And how will I know?

To say "ART"
To stop,
          And say
It's not even CANVAS

Will points of view be used to create an illusion of depth?
Do depth and distance themselves leave us with nothing but parallax as a means to come together?
          Knowing just how far apart...
Does the left eye see what the right eye is saying?
A cosmos could be heaven.
       The roof may really just be the sky.
is metaphor really necessary ?
Or is the wall stripped bare actually a mirror?


See the exhibition on Vimeo